The entire celestial domain and Earth initially were joined together, then Allah (ST) parted them [Big Bang]
(Surah al-Anbiyaa Verse-30). Allah (ST): created the firmaments, Earth and all between them with a definite
purpose for an appointed term in six periods, setting the center of all divine affairs on Arsh (Surah as-Sajdah
Verse-4, al-Hijr Verse-85 & al-Ahqaf Verse-3); is Rub (creator, sustainer and guide) of all the Easts and the
Wests (Surah Ma‟aarij Verse-40). A period with Allah equals a thousand years on Earth (Surah al-Hajj Verse-
47). Nothing is hidden from Allah (ST) lesser or greater than a particle on Earth or in the celestial domain
(Surah Yunus Verse-61).
Before the creation of Earth, the Arsh (center of divine authority) was on fluid mass of matter (Surah Hud
Verse-7). Allah (ST): created Earth in two periods (Surah Fusssillat Verse-9); set on Earth firm mountains like
pegs standing high to balance it (Surah an-Naba Verse-7 & an-Nahl Verse-15); in four phases treasured in
Earth His infinite blessings and provided sustenance in accordance with the needs of all creatures (Surah
Fussilat Verse-10); after creating the Earth, out of the celestial space which was all smoke, made in two
phases seven secured firmaments one above the other raising them as a canopy without pillars, assigning
each firmament its affairs, and adored the lower firmament with stars (Surah Fussilat Verse-11 & 12, an-
Naaziaat Verse-28 & ar-Raad Verse-2).
Allah (ST): made constellations in the sky and created therein a lamp (Sun) and luminous Moon decreed
to give service, each swimming in its celestial sphere for a term assigned (Surah al-Furqaan Verse-61, az-
Zumar Verse-5 & Yaseen Verse-40)[ for Sun and Moon using the word „swimming‟ implies some matter exists
in space termed dark matter being researched today)]; ordained Moon phases (to be visible more or less) till
it looks again as an old dry palm branch, to facilitate computation of years and the reckoning, programming
such an action with perfection (Surah Yaseen Verse-39 & Yunus Verse-5). Also, Sun is moving towards its
destination as decreed (Surah Yaseen Verse-38). Moreover, the universe is continuously expanding (Surah
adh-Dhaariyat Verse-47). Research shows that Moon is drifting away from Earth by 3.78 cm per year.
Allah (ST): made the earth for habitation with passages in it (Surah Taa-haa Verse-53); made two kinds of
joined flowing waters, one sweet thirst-quenching the other salty-bitter, setting between the two a barrier and
inviolable obstruction (Surah al-Furqaan Verse-53); provided from the two types of waters, fresh meat for
food and ornaments which the mankind wear, as well as means to facilitate sailing for seeking His bounty
(Surah Faatir Verse-12); made broad passages between the mountains (Surah al-Anbiyaa Verse-31); spread
on Earth animals of different kinds (Surah Luqman Verse-10); initially sends the winds as tidings of His
mercy then drives towards dead land layer upon layer laden clouds which shower on the earth pure water that
flows in the watercourses and also sprouts after absorbing in the earth as water springs, giving life to the
barren land that produces herbage of various colours۔ Moreover, subject water fulfills the needs of both
mankind and animals. Furthermore, the laden clouds like mountains (Meteorology term: Cumulonimbus clouds)
shower hail (Surah al-Fuqaan Verse-48 & 49, ar-Raad Verse-17, an-Noor Verse-43 and az-Zumar Verse-21).
Allah (ST) created: pairs of all things, of what Earth grows, of humankind and of what humankind does not
know (Surah Yaseen Verse-36); from water, every living creature on Earth, while some of them crawl on their
belly, the others walk on their two or four feet (Surah an-Noor Verse-45).
Allah (ST) created the first Man (Adam) out of wet clay and soul (Surah al-Mu‟minoon Verse-12 & Saad
Verse-72) and out of him his mate (Huwwa) (Surah an-Nisaa Verse-1). Subsequently, the human creation
process commenced with the mingling of life sperm fluid that gushes out from between the spinal cord and
the ribs (Surah al-Insan Verse-2 & at-Taariq Verse-6 & 7), turning into life seed securely kept in the mother‟s
womb in a dark space protected by three layers [scientific terms: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm] (Surah
az-Zumar Verse-6), developing into a clot and converting into a lump of flesh that completes and at times
remains incomplete (Surah al-Hajj Verse-5), within which progressively the bones grow which are covered
with flesh, and finally the mass matures into another being (Surah al-Mu‟minoon Verse-13 & 14). Some people
die before they attain the worst part of life, where they forget in old age what they knew (Surah al-Hajj Verse-
5). Allah (ST) made night for rest and the day for seeking livelihood (Surah az-Zumar Verse-5, aal-e-Imran
Verse-61 & an-Naba Verse-11).
Allah (ST) made for mankind eight types of cattle in pairs, providing drink from what is in their bellies and
besides flesh for food, there are other advantages (Surah az-Zumar Verse-6, al-Muminoon Verse-21). There
is neither an animal that lives on Earth nor does a being that flies on its wings, but it live in communities like
mankind (Surah al-Anaam Verse-38).
Allah (ST) kept in the nature of the bee to make hives in the mountains; trees and high shelters mankind
build, then fly on smooth paths ordained and eat of fruits. From the bees issues a fluid of many hues in which
there is healing for mankind (Surah an-Nahl Verse-68 & 69)۔
Allah (ST) states, “And if We open to them a gateway in the sky and they were to continue ascending
therein, they would only say that their eyes have been intoxicated or we have been bewitched by sorcery”
(Surah al-Hijr Verse-14 &15). The first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, observing from outer space said, “It seems
my eyes have been intoxicated or I am bewitched by sorcery.”
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