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The Muslims community is facing an existential moment.Stephen Brown, Chief Executive Officer, NCCM

Asalamu alaikum / Peace be up you

The Muslims community is facing an existential moment.

Since October 2023, we know that the pro-war lobby has raised millions of dollars towards keeping the war going and attacking those standing for peace in Palestine.

And so it’s up to us to stand up. Stand up to protect our loved ones and to bring an end to the suffering of the people of Gaza.

That’s why it’s imperative that we have the resources to fight back.

NCCM doesn’t take government grants or foreign contributions. We rely on you, Canadian Muslims, to support us in our struggle for justice and peace in Palestine.

Donate your Zakat to NCCM today so that we can stand up together for the people of Gaza

Your fight is our fight.


Stephen Brown,

Chief Executive Officer, NCCM

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