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Tell Your MP to Support the NDP Opposition Motion on the March 18th for Palestine .

Asalamu alaikum / Peace be upon you

At every point of history, there is a marking point where leaders have to choose where they stand on questions of deep morality.

We have seen many leaders and elected officials fail this moral test again and again, including in Canada.

Some, however, have stepped up to bravely speak a word of truth to the pro-war lobby, and call for peace now, for a ceasefire now, to no more dead children.

This Monday, on March 18, the NDP will be bringing forward a motion to call for revoking permits for selling arms to forces contributing to the current violence in Gaza, recommitting to a two-state solution by advocating for the end of the occupation, reinstating funding to the UNRWA relief agency, and much more.

We are asking you to do two things:

  1. Send a letter to your local MP and ask them to support the NDP Motion on March 18th here.
  2. Donate to NCCM, as with your support we can do so much more

Thank you, and Salam,


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