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Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah visits Supreme Court of Canada

Senior Puisne Justice of the Supreme court of Pakistan Justice Syed Mansoor Ali
Shah called on the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Honorable Richard
Wagner, here today in Ottawa. They held a landmark meeting to discuss judicial
collaboration, enhance mutual understanding, and explore opportunities for sharing best
practices between their respective judicial systems, and avenues for the strengthening of
bilateral relations. This meeting marks a significant step towards fostering greater
collaboration between the judicial branches of the two countries. Stéphanie Bachand,
Executive Legal Officer and Chief of Staff of Chambers of Chief Justice were also present on
this occasion.
The Chief Justices underscored the importance of continuous judicial education and training.
They agreed to initiate exchange programs for judges and judicial officers, aimed at sharing
knowledge and expertise in areas such as case management, development of curriculum
modules, digitalization of courts, and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
Both parties recognized the growing role of technology in the judiciary. They explored the
potential for collaboration between the Federal Judicial Academy of Pakistan and National
Judicial Institute of Canada in developing and implementing advanced judicial technologies,
including electronic filing systems, virtual courtrooms, and AI-driven legal research tools.
Emphasizing the significance of judicial independence and ethics, the Chief Justices
exchanged views on best practices for maintaining impartiality and integrity within their
judicial systems. They agreed to organize joint seminars and workshops to further this cause.
These initiatives aim to build a deeper understanding of each other's legal systems and
foster goodwill between the two nations, Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah further added while
visiting the National Judicial Institute (NJI).
"This meeting signifies a new chapter in our judicial relationship. By working together, we can
enhance the efficiency and fairness of our judicial systems for the benefit of our citizens",
said by the High Commissioner of Pakistan to Canada Mr. Zaheer A. Janjua.
The meetings concluded with both Chief Justices expressing optimism about the future of
judicial collaboration between both the countries. They pledged to continue these dialogues
and implement the initiatives discussed. It is highlighted over here that these meetings not
only enhance bilateral judicial relations but also contribute to the global dialogue on justice

and the rule of law. They provide a platform for mutual learning and the sharing of
experiences, which can lead to improvements in the judicial systems of both countries
Justice Mansoor Ali Shah also held meetings with Honourable Andromache Karakatanis,
Justice Karakatsanis Chamber and the Honourable Mahmud Jamal, Justice Jamal Chamber.

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